Office |
Director of Personnel
Organizational structure, recruit, contract salary, screening, assessment, punishment and compliment, salary level, insurance, personnel norm
1.Organizational structure
2.Individual in charge
3.Teacher screening recruit
4.Teacher transfer
5.Teacher contract salary
6.Teacher dismissal, temporary termination of contract, contract not continue
7.Letter of teacher appointment issuance
8.Substitute teacher
9.Staff appointment, removal, and review
10.Leave without pay
11.Attendance management
12Paid leave, Overtime pay
13 Public insurance
14 Certificate issuance
Personnel team member
1.Faculty performance assessment
2.Faculty punishment and compliment
3 .Senior teacher/excellent teacher/service award & compliment
4 .Faculty appeal & guarantee
6.Faculty training, advanced study
7.Cultural and Entertainment Activity
8.Faculty retirement, severance, pension
9.Retirement care
10 .Treatment, living allowance and other benefits